Social Development and Management Program (SDMP) Among Mining Companies in CarCanMadCarLan and Its Impact
Odinah Landero Cuartero
Abstract: This study presents the findings undertaken to assess the extent of implementation of Social Development and Management Program (SDMP) among mining companies in CarCanMadCarLan (CCMCL) and its impact to the multi-sector group. This study employed the descriptive research design where quantitative data gathered through a questionnaire was substantiated with qualitative data gathered through interview. The participants were purposive chosen to represent the social, economic, health, education, and environment sectors. Data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, t-test, analysis of variance and Tukey’s HSD Test. Based on the findings, among the five multi-sectoral groups, Education Sector received the highest mean whereas Environment Sector obtained the least in the assessment of SDMP implementation and its perceived impact. The study concludes that mining operations in CarCanMadCarLan provide positive and negative impacts. The positive impact can be observed in employment generation while the negative impacts can be seen in the environmental destruction and biodiversity degradation. This can be attributed to the extent of implementation of SDMP which cannot be considered as par excellent.
Keywords: Mining Industries; Local Communities; Multi-Sectoral Impact (for Global Issues); SDMP.
Pages: 230 – 240 | Full PDF Paper