Ischemic Resistance of Motor Axons in Children with Viral Meningitis and Guillain–Barré Syndrome
Klimkin V. Andrey, MD, Voitenkov B. Vladislav, MD, PhD, Skripchenko V. Natalia, MD, DrSci, Professor
Introduction: Nerve fibers in various pathological conditions are resistant to ischemia. In children, both in normal and in Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) effect of ischemia on neural conductivity is not investigated thoroughly. Methods: The effect of temporal local ischemia ofupper armon motor nerve conductionvelocity (MNCV) of the ulnar nerve in the healthy children (n=26), children with acute period viral meningitis (VM) (n=16), patients 14 days after the clinical manifestation of VM (n=11) and children with GBS in catamnesis (n=11) was evaluated. Results: Less pronounced decrease in MNCV on 10 minute of ischemia (by 50 % (p<0.00001)) was seen in children with GBS in catamnesis, comparing to the controls. In the acute period of the VM also less pronounced decrease in MNCV by 29%, than in the controls, was registered. Conclusions: Motor axons of the children in the acute period of VM and GBS are resistant to temporal limb ischemia.
Keywords: Local nerve ischemia, Guillain-Barre syndrome, inflammation, motor nerve conductionvelocity, children.
Pages: 165 – 173 | Full PDF Paper
Neuroregenetic Neurosurgery – a possible Subspecialty in Neurosurgery?
Nwogu Chukwudi Amarachukwu
Neurosurgery in the past Century has witnessed massive development in terms of technique and specialization. There was a period when the skull was simply opened to remove or correct lesions as a separate ill-defined territory in the Surgical department, now Neurosurgery has moved on to advanced procedures carried out in different sub-specialties, making Neurosurgery one of the most advanced specializations in Medicine.
Neurogenetic Neurosurgery would be a branch of Neurosurgery that specializes in the Surgical treatment of Neurological diseases utilizing genetic manipulations like: stem cell implants and stimulation of differentiation of glial cells to functional Neurons. The need for this special branch arises on the background of current advances in genetics as applied in Neuroscience.
Keywords: Neurosurgery, Neuroregeneration, Neurogenetics, Neurodegenerative diseases, brain injury.
Pages: 174 – 177 | Full PDF Paper