Attempts on Measurement and Visualisation of International Circular Migration
Sándor Illés, Áron Kincses
Active Society Foundation – Hungarian Central Statistical Office.
Abstract: This paper provides empirical evidence relevant to the long-term international circular migrants admitted into Hungary. The principal aim of this research is to quantify the occurrence of circulation within international migration with the help of administrative macro-data. We measure the spatial patterns associated with international circular migrants. First, we define the concept of circulation within the conceptual framework of transnationalism. Second, we create macro-scale data set on long-term international circular migrants based on an original statistical method. Third, we seek to gain further insight into the extent of international circular immigrants by country of citizenship.
Keywords: international migration, international circular migration, statistical measurement, spatial pattern, visualisation, Hungary.
Pages: 39 – 54 | Full PDF Paper
Counter Examples for Lemma 3.18 Of [1]
Masomeh Aghamohammadi1, Mostafa Ahmadinejad2
1. Department of Mathmatics, College of basic science, Karaj Branch, Islamic azad University, Alborz, Iran, P.O.Box 3-3-31485.
2. Institute of Higher Education of A.B.A, Valiasr avenue, Abiyek, Ghazvin, Iran. P. O. Box 83533-34416.Abstract: In proof of Lemma 3.18 in [1] acclaim that, at least one of the eigenvalues of Grammian matrix G11 has distance n/(n-1) from {0, 1}. In this paper, we show by two counter examples that this claim is incorrect and we say state correct it with proof it.
Keywords: Administrative data source, Administrative data documentation, Administrative data quality, Data source ontology, Statistical data production.
Pages: 55 – 61 | Full PDF Paper
Wide-Range Tuner for Generators in THz Bands
Alexander Denisov1, Jinghui Qiu2, Hao Liu2, Ming He3, Yang Xiong3, Fan Zhang3, Han Zhang3, Francesco Soldovieri4
1. Department of Microwave Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, P.R.China, State Research Center “Iceberg”, Kiev, Ukraine.
2. Department of Microwave Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, P.R.China.
3. College of Electronic Information and Optical Engineering, Nankai University, Tianjin300071, P.R.China.
4. Istituto per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dell’AmbienteConsiglio Nazionale delle Recerche ,Napoli, Italy.Abstract: Before experiments can be conducted on new generation structures in the THz band when the level of power is small and especially the frequency are practically unknown correctly (or it has place some accidental character) it is necessary to have instruments capable of measuring weak signals in a wide-range frequency band. Receiving instruments for the above-described evaluations must be based better by one measuring block and not only in the limits of the intermediate frequency (IF) amplifier band. Best natural “candidate” for this task is Josephson junction (JJ) – it has super wide voltage electronic regulation on frequency by basic ratio 2eV = hω. JJ can be used as the criterion for a single-block super-wide band frequency-meter and as a sensitive element for the tuning the generation structures. Short description presents the realized innovative idea about simple tuner for generators in THz bands.
Keywords: Josephson junction, unknown power, frequency measuring, sensitivity, electromagnetic radiation, terahertz band.
Pages: 62 – 68 | Full PDF Paper