Using Eye-Tracking Data to Evaluate Medicine Information Leaflets On-Screen
N. Fırat Ozkan*, Berna H. Ulutas
Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Eskisehir, Turkey.
Abstract: Medicine information leaflets provide required information to the patient about the prescribed or non-prescribed medicines. The hard copy leaflets that come along with medicine packages may vary in size and content of the information provided. Although there may be different standards and regulations in different countries, several companies also provide the digital copies of medicine information leaflets on-line. However, there may be differences between the printed and digital copies in terms of layout design and context. In the technology age, since several people use smart phones and computers extensively in their daily-life, it may be the quickest way to access medical information leaflet when required. Therefore, this study focuses on improving the usability and readability of medical leaflets on-screen. First, a medicine information leaflet is considered in its printed form and redesigned to improve its readability. Current digital medicine leaflet and two improved versions in terms of readability and layout are used in tests. Based on the experiments, it was illustrated that it takes shorter time for naïve users to access the right information for a well-designed medicine information leaflet on-screen.
Keywords: eye-tracker, medical information leaflets, readability, usability.
Pages: 364 – 376 | Full PDF Paper