• Influence Additives of Clayed on Characteristic Refractory Masses of Dinas

    Eminov A.A., Kadyrova Z.R., Abdullaeva R.I., Eminov A.M.

    Abstract: In given work are brought results of the study on study of the influences additives of clayed on physical-mechanical features of dinas refractory ramming masses on base clayed and high silica mineral raw materials resource of Republic of Uzbekistan. It Is Installed that contents added the clay of kaolin to quartzite must not exceed 25 %, but over this contents of the clay occurs the sharp reduction to porosity of the mass, in connection with formation glass fragment of pottery caking masses. Parallel porosity change and physical-mechanical characteristic of the pilot models.

    Keywords: Refractory materials, dines, raw materials, mass of ramming, compositions, quartzite, clay, granulation, porosity, toughness, fire growing or shrinkage, physical-mechanical.

    Pages: 222 – 226 | Full PDF Paper