• Relative Importance of Attributes of Locally Grown Apple that Affects Consumer’s Choice in Malang, Indonesia

    Lizia Zamzami

    Indonesian Citrus and Subtropical Fruits Research Institute (ICSFRI), Jalan Raya Tlekung no. 1, Junrejo, Batu – East Java, Indonesia.

    Abstract: As the result of the emergence of middle class, and the awareness raising of consuming healthy food in Indonesia, the trend of diet and consumption pattern is gradually changing. People are getting aware of consuming fruit, such as apple. The provision of high quality fruit and appropriate fruit retailer easily access to consumers are important. These supports must comply with consumer’s needs and wants, because consumer’s attitude and preferences in selecting food is complex. Therefore, it is essential to comprehend consumers’ valuation towards attributes of the locally grown apple based on their preferences. The objective of the study is to identify attributes that are considered relatively important by consumers when purchasing locally grown apples in Malang, Indonesia. The study employed an intercept survey involving 200 consumer respondents. The sample was randomly selected at four different retailer types, namely, traditional wet market, road side stall, supermarket and modern fruit shop. A structured questionnaire was designed to collect the primary data regarding quality attributes of locally grown apples considered important by the consumers while buying locally grown apple. The study focused on 14 attributes of locally grown apple, comprising of twelve intrinsic attributes and two extrinsic attributes. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics. The results revealed that color, fineness, crispness, chewiness, sweetness, sourness and price had the highest mean values (above or equal to four), indicating that these attributes were considered relatively important for the consumers in decision making for buying locally grown apple.

    Keywords: Apples, fruit attribute, consumer, wet market, buying behavior, Indonesia.

    Pages: 133 – 143 | Full PDF Paper