• Impact of Sweet Cherry Varieties on Quality Parameters after Harvest and During Storage Period

    Vladimir Sabados, Jana Konjevic Mrdjenovic, Olivera Sekulic, Zoran Boca, Tatjana Veselinovic

    PSS Sombor, Staparski put 35, 25000 Sombor, Serbia.


    The study included evaluation of the biological ,pomological and chemical parameters and sensory characteristics of the friuts with the aim of pointing differences between varieties and finding the best way to preserve the quality of the friut, that would guarantee a succesfull placement on the market.

    The research was conducted in the trial orchard of The Extension Service Sombor and included three varieties ( cultivars ) of sweet cherry Kordia, Ferrovia and Regina, on rootstock Gisela 5. During research we based a part of our study on pomological, biological and chemical features after harvest such as shape, color, weight of the friut, stone, etc. The other part of research was based on sugar content, soluble solids content and visual evaluation of the friut before storing, as well as after the storage period.

    Keywords: Prunus avium, sweet cherry, quality parameters, varieties, storage.

    Pages: 119 – 127 | Full PDF Paper