On the New Type Almost Sequence Space
Ziyattin TAŞ, Zarife ZARARSIZ
Abstract: In this paper, we introduce trf sequence spaces by means of the matrix domain of B(r, s, t) triple band matrix and fT defined by Zararsız [9]. Furthermore, we determine β– and γ– duals of the space trf and characterize the classes (trf : l∞), (trf : c), (l∞ : trf) and (c : trf).
Keywords: Almost convergence, β– and γ– duals, matrix domain of a sequence space, isomorphism.
Pages: 286 – 300 | Full PDF Paper
Gold Mining and Agricultural Sector: Effects on Labor and Exports
D. Ilboudo
Abstract: Burkina Faso is since 2009 become one of the greatest gold exporters in west Africa. Does it affects agriculture? The aim of this paper is to analyse what effects gold can have on labor used in main agricultural products and also their exports using simulation approach. Many assumptions are made to help us simulating the model. We expect to establish a mechanism of compensation to get back a level of production for which the variation is only due to absorption of gold, so there will be a high potential of export for the main agricultural products.
Pages: 301 – 309 | Full PDF Paper
Standard L Probability Distribution Function
Wan-Li Wang (w.-l. Wang),Ying-Qi Xie (Y.-Q. Xie), Xiao-Min Ye (X.-M. Ye), Ling Luo (L. Luo)
Abstract: The cumulative distribution function(cdf) table is very important and also fundamental tool for any distribution theory, in fact, it is enable one to calculate the probability between a and b after cumulative distribution function is deduced, therefore, it is very easily and conveniently to obtain the probability between a and b using distribution function table, such as P(a≤ z ≤b) = F(b) − F(a). L Distribution Function is newest and original distribution theory whose unique properties are illustrated as: its continuous random variable is limited, non-standard variable fall into interval of positive most amplitude and negative most amplitude(also including most amplitude ), but standard variable interval is between positive one (+1) and negative one ( -1) (also including ±1), standardized deviation is 1/3;the probability reaches 70% in the interval of (-1/3,+1/3); the probability is only 3% in the interval exceeding double standardized deviation 2/3;its distribution is more concentrated than Normal Distribution does around mean value; its coefficient of kurtosis is 0.24, in addition, there are different the scale parameter in two sides of mean value after the variable is standardized, two kinds of different the scale parameter is determined by the features of limited variable and by the boundary conditions of distribution equations when continuous random variable is equal to maximum and minimum respectively.
Keywords: Cumulative distribution function (cdf) table, compute probability, application of probability, amount of probability, equipment of statistical calculating.
Pages: 310 – 323 | Full PDF Paper
Impact of Sociodemographic Characteristics, Nutritional Status and Perceived Stress in Body Weight Concern of Female College Students
Juliana Chioda Ribeiro Dias, Wanderson Roberto da Silva, João Maroco, Juliana Alvares Duarte Bonini Campos
Abstract: Aim: to estimate the contribution of nutritional status, perceived stress and sociodemographic variables in college students’ body weight concern. Method: participated 850 Brazilian students of one public university. Information such as age, area of study and schedule of the undergraduate course, body weight and height, economic status, household’s education level, household, studies funding and medication intake due to studies and labour activity were collected. Perceived stress and body weight concern were assessed, respectively, with the Portuguese versions of the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and the Weight Concerns Scale (WCS). The impact of several variables on body weight concern was verified by a causal model developed using Structural Equation Modelling. The goodness-of-fit of the model was evaluated using chi-square ratio index and degrees of freedom (c2/df), Comparative Fit Index (CFI), Normed of Fit Index (NFI), and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA). The contribution (β) and significance of causal pathways were evaluated using the z-test critical ratios (p < .05). Results: a significant contribution of the variables perceived stress, economic status and nutritional status in college students’ body weight concern was verified. The fit of the final model was adequate (c²/df = 4.38; CFI = .91; GFI = .93; RMSEA = .06) and explained 19% of the variability in body weight concern with a positive impact of nutritional status, perceived stress and economic status. Conclusion: the results should serve as an alert to researchers in this area of study and health professionals, highlighting the importance of performing the diagnosis of such manifestations and/or propose prevention strategies.
Keywords: body image, weight concern, stress, students, nutritional status.
Pages: 324 – 335 | Full PDF Paper
Markov Chain for Estimating Human Mitochondrial DNA Mutation Pattern
Sandy Vantika and Udjianna S. Pasaribu
Abstract: The Markov chain was proposed to estimate the human mitochondrial DNA mutation pattern. One DNA sequence was taken randomly from 100 sequences in Genbank. The nucleotide transition matrix and mutation transition matrix were estimated from this sequence. We determined whether the states (mutation/normal) are recurrent or transient. The results showed that both of them are recurrent.
Keywords: Estimate, Markov chain, recurrent, transient, transition matrix.
Pages: 336 – 342 | Full PDF Paper