Indigenous Natural Regeneration Protocol of Sal (Shorea robusta) with Specific Concern to Changing Climate in India Affecting its Distribution and Germination Pattern
S.C.Agrawal (I.F.S.)1*, Y.K.Choudhary2**, Vibha Sahu3***
1. Chhattisgarh State Medicinal Plants Board, Medical College Road, 492001, Raipur, India.
2. Ethix Clinpharma Pvt Ltd, Ambuja City Centre, 492001, Raipur, India.
3. Chhattisgarh State Medicinal Plants Board, Medical College Road, 492001, Raipur, India.
MDGs goal no. 7 focuses on ensuring environmental sustainability. The WSSD provided a platform to achieve sustainable development under the WEHAB (Water, Energy, Health, Agriculture and Biodiversity) initiative framework. In view of the aforesaid framework, CGSMPB had developed Tradition Regeneration and Conservation technique of Shorea robusta with community participation in forest of Chhattisgarh State, India. Shorea robusta is a climax species of tropical deciduous forest of Central India which forms pure stands in Chhattisgarh state but it is most affected by development programmes. Sal it self is a Medicinally valuable Species & supports many of the medicinally valuable tree, shrubs & herbs in the rich plant biodiversity.
Though the Regeneration of “SAL” in some areas is profuse but conservation of regeneration, however, has been a serious problem in Sal forest management. Hence a traditional regeneration protocol is developed with participation of community. The aim was to develop “Traditional Natural Regeneration Conservation Protocol of Sal and assessing the effect of Termite Mounds Soil on the germination behavior of Shorea robusta Seeds involving community”. The seeds were collected from Sal forests of 3 agro-climatic zones of state and sown by traditional practice and progress of germination was observed & recorded weekly upto 14 days. Statistical “W” (Shapiro-Wilk normality) were applied. The population class analysis was derived by a regression equation based on negative exponential model. The 15 sites in Chhattisgarh under 3 Agro Climatic Zones were Bastar Platue, Chhattisgarh Plains and Northern Hills. We observed that Site no. 1, 2, 3, 10 and 13 had shown good regeneration status, site no. 9, 12 and 14 had shown fair regeneration status where as site no. 4, 5, 6 and 11 had shown promising regeneration and site no. 7 and 8 had shown poor regeneration. The Study indicates that the regeneration technique may lead us to achieve the target of Millennium Development Goals.
Keywords: Traditional Natural Regeneration, Conservation, Medicinal, Termite Mounds Soil, Millennium Development Goals.
Pages: 83 – 93 | Full PDF Paper
How Average Operating Pressure Impacts on Infrastructue Leakage Index
Elaheh Rastegari
Non Revenue Water Office, Fars Water and Sanitation Company, West Ghodousi, 7186898465, Shiraz, Iran.
Abstract: Over the past decades, many performance indicators have been developed for water utilities to track their system performance. Since the level of water losses from potable water distribution systems is one of the key efficiency issues, it would be expected that reliable performance indicators are used for benchmarking. To demonstrate the use and value of the benchmarking performance indicators, a system dynamics model is used to present a case study for 78 water utilities in Fars provience, Iran. The importance of managing distribution systems to maintain pressures in sustainable range is widely recognised as a fundamental aspect of leakage management strategy.
Keywords: Non Revenue Water, Real loss, Pressure, Leakage
Pages: 94 – 103 | Full PDF Paper