Determining the Factors that Most Influence the Teacher-Pupil Communication for the Primary School Grades 1-5 in Albania by Using the Fuzzy AHP Method
Msc. Blerina Kosta1, Phd. Daniela Halidini Qendraj2, Phd. Evgjeni Xhafaj3, Msc. Etleva Halidini4
1. Teacher of primary education, “Mihal Grameno” School 1001 Tirana, Albania.
2. Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Information Technology, University “Aleksander Moisiu” Durres, 1001 Albania.
3. Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Engineering, Polytechnic University of Tirana, 1001 Albania.
4. Department of Mathematics, General High School “Besnik Sykja”, Tirana 1003 Albania.
Abstract: This paper aims to determine the factors that influence the teacher-pupil communication for the primary school grades 1-5 in Albania. We already know that nowadays education system in Albania is tending to follow the western model, as it wasn’t so in the previous years of transition. In order to explain better about the factors that affect this communication we use the Fuzzy AHP method, a decision making theory. Two online surveys were developed for pupils and teachers in the year 2018-2019, with ten questions respectively. The objective of the paper is to rank these questions and finding the most important and the last important one, by using Saaty scale with triangular fuzzy numbers. In accordance with both group teacher and pupil, the most important question among the surveys is the parent’s communication with the teacher. A factor that pupils have difficulty is the understanding of the lesson all the time the teacher explains. For the teachers a difficult factor is giving confidence to pupils, in order to explain their talent or their feelings. The study results help the education system to focus more on teacher-pupil communication by giving due importance both of them.
Keywords: teacher-pupil communication, primary education, Fuzzy AHP, survey, Saaty scale.
Pages: 128 – 144 | Full PDF Paper