• Comparing The Arithmetic Skills in Problem-Solving Among Primary and Secondary School Age Children

    Birgul Damla BABER ELBISTAN

    Social Science, The University of Göttingen, Germany.

    Abstract: Basic arithmetics skills, which are necessary for mathematical problem-solving, are expected to develop faster after starting school. These basic skills help to improve the level of mathematical operations during the classes. When this development is insufficient, there may occur learning difficulties in mathematics or dyscalculia. This research has been conducted to examine these basic calculating skills in problem situations from a developmental perspective. The Cognitive Developmental aRithmetics (CDR) tests, was used for this aim. These tests have 3 different levels based on the grade level. In this research, the problems section in the tests was compared in terms of different grade levels. For this purpose, the CDR1 test was applied to the 2nd and 3rd grade, the CDR2 test to the 4th and 5th grade, and the CDR3 test to the 6th and 7th-grade levels. There are 1203 participants in total. In the statistical analysis, a significant difference was found regarding the classes in the CDR1 test concerning the development of arithmetics in short problem situations. There is not any significant difference in other grade levels for CDR2 and CDR3.

    Keywords: arithmetic skills, arithmetic development, problem-solving, mathematics, calculating skills.

    Pages: 123 – 127 | Full PDF Paper