Study of Some Physical and Chemical Analysis of Treated Produced Water on Heglieg Oil Field
Dr. Salma Abdelghaffar Hassan Alamin1, Dr. Alawia Abdalla ELawad2, Prof. Imad-eldin Ahmed Ali Babiker3, Dr.Osman Mirghani Mohamed Ali4
1. Environmental and Natural Resources and Desertification Research Institute (ENRDRI) Corresponding author.
2. Alnelaneen University.
3. Agriculture Research Cooperation (A R C).
4. University of Khartoum.Abstract: Heglieg oil field (HOF) is located in West Kordofan State. This work aims to assess some produced treated water chartraization. Treated water from HOF Water samples were collected in clean containers after treatment physical and chemical properties of treated water in HOF area were investigated. The pH and electric conductivity (EC) were measured using a pH meter and a conductivity meter, respectively. Percentage amount of oil and grease was measured using oil and extraction method with Soxlet apparatus. The concentrations of metal elements of the water, samples were measured using an atomic spectrophotometer. In Heglieg oil field the treated water was strongly alkaline (pH 8.9), EC (1.4 dS/m) and oil and grease was 1.3 mg/L. These results are within the standard of the Ministry of Petroleum. The elements detected in meq/l were Na (204), Mg (61.77), K (2.24), Fe (1.163), Cr(0.010), Ca(0.013), Cu(0.006), Co(0.001), Cd (0.094) while Pb and Mn were very trace.
Pages: 105 – 110 | Full PDF Paper