Salvia Officinalis and Malva Sylvestris Medicinal Plants as a Source of Potent Bioactive Compounds with Its Synergistic Antiviral Properties Against COVID-19: in silico analysis
İbrahim Adnan SARAÇOĞLU1*, Mücahit ÖZDEMİR2, Koray SAYIN3, Kübra ÇAKIR1 Murat ENÖZ4, Deniz CEYHAN5, Bahattin YALÇIN2
1. R&D Manager in ITOB OSB 10020 Street.No:18, Izmir, Turkey.
2. Department of Chemistry, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey.
3. Department of Chemistry, Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Sivas, Turkey.
4. Department of Audiometry, Altınbaş University, İstanbul, Turkey.
5. Department of Chemistry, Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University, Tekirdağ, Turkey
*Correspondence: saracoglu@profsaracoglu.com
Salvia officinalis and Malva sylvestris can be used as a preventative treatment activity against the COVID-19 because the antiviral potential of Salvia officinalis and Malva sylvestris have secondary metabolites. We investigated the chemistry and biology of medicinal plants in terms of activity against the COVID-19 and described the potential of antiviral activity of Salvia officinalis and Malva sylvestris using the in-silico method. In this study, the Synergistic effect of selected plants; tiliroside in Malva sylvestris is more effective with the Salvia officinalis herb than the single components. In addition, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid and 9,12,13-trihydroxyoctadeca-10,15-dienoic acid were revealed that to be good candidates for synergistic effects, like tiliroside. The results of the current study indicate promising natural secondary metabolites as potential inhibitors of Mpro.
Worldwide, access to drugs used for treatment in COVID-19 infection and vaccines used for protection is under the control of states; unfortunately, it is necessary to reach accessible and economical products in the treatment of this disease to get rid of this pandemic as soon as possible. Here, we wanted to emphasize two separate biometabolites of plant origin, which we have found can be easily reached by humans and the antiviral effect can be much higher when used at the same time. Although the antiviral effects of these two bioactive compounds separately have been emphasized before; It is the first scientific study in the literature emphasizing that synergistic effects can occur when used at the same time.
Keywords: Salvia officinalis, Malva sylvestris, Phytotherapy, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2
Pages: 17 – 32 | Full PDF Paper