• The Worth of Hydro Geochemical Data Factor Analysis (PCA) in Interpretation of Underground Water Origin. Megalopolis Lignite Bearing Fields Mine Water and Regional Waters Relations Case Study

    Louloudis G.

    Dr Mining Engineer, PhD in Hydrogeology N.T.U.A.. Public Power Corporation S.A.. Mines Central Support Department, 29 Chalkokondili str., Athens 10432, Greece.


    In the region of Megalopolis basin (Peloponnese, South Greece), a number of lignite open pit mines are developed by Public Power Corporation S.A. in order to provide the electric power plants of 1200 MW with lignite. From environmental point of view is important to avoid negative effects of mines exploitation to significant regional ground and surface water reservoirs.

    In this paper there was an effort to implement factor analysis in order to determine principal components on water analysis acquisition data in the region of Megalopolis Greece. The results of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) indicate two between five significant Principal components corresponding to samples collected from the internal mines dumping sites or pumping sites. The regional samples of water outside mines areas have  factor scores insignificant to these two principal components.

    Thus beside national legislation’s and international standard limitations compliance that is company’s environmental policy, PCA analysis confirmed the fact that there is no effect to the regional ground and surface water system by mine water.

    Keywords: Statistics, Principal Component Analysis, hydro chemistry

    Pages: 72 – 82 | Full PDF Paper