Solar Enegy Resource in Madeira Islands (Portugal): Maps and Daily Evolution of Global Solar Radiation
Izquierdo P.1, Vazquez V.1, Santos JM.1, Magro C.2
1. Mechanical Engineering Dpt., University of Vigo, Lagoas-Marcosende, 36310, Vigo, Spain.
2. Regional Laboratory of Civil Engineering, Govern of Madeira, Rua Agostino, 9000-264, Funchal, Portugal.Abstract:
In this paper, solar energy resource study in madeira islands (portugal) is realized. In a first approach, solar irradiances at ground level are obtained applying the heliosat-2 method to earth images taken by the meteosat-6 satellite. these results are, in turn, calibrated (normalized) with data of solar radiation measured in six meteorological stations in the region. also, daily evolution of horizontal global solar radiation and temperature are characterized in these six stations, which depicted the different climatic areas of the archipelago.
Twelve monthly tables of daily average global solar radiation in each pixel of the image included in the study are obtained and yearly values are calculated from them. the thirteen tables are taken to the arcgis application to obtain yearly and monthly radiation maps for the region.
Also, monthly and yearly characteristics days of the region, six representative stations data base are study. in relation to solar radiation, characteristic day is defined as the day of the month with the sun trajectory closest to the daily average sun trajectory of the month and the daily global horizontal solar irradiation equal to the daily average of the month. it is assumed a sine-type evolution of the global irradiances along the day. in relation to temperature, a characteristic day is also assumed to have a sine-type evolution along the daylight hours of the day, with the minimum and maximum values at sunrise and two hours after noon, respectively.
Keywords: solar energy irradiation, characteristic day, radiation maps, Madeira Archipelago.
Pages: 228 – 240 | Full PDF Paper