Economic Censuses in Egypt and the World
Mohamed Ismail and Nany Abd El-kader
Abstract: The economic census is a national project for many countries of the world because of its importance in constructing comprehensive frameworks for all enterprises and economic activities, databases for different economic activities and estimation the national accounts at the country level. The growing role of unregulated economic activities whose data is unavailable in the business records stresses the necessity of economic census. This study comes as a part of preparatory work conducted by the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) for the fourth Egyptian economic Census to be held in 2013. In addition, the study reflects the CAPMAS’ interest in applying scientific methodologies and benefitting from international experiences in implementing the next stages of the EC. The study describes the basic features of the economic census including; the concept of the census, objectives, periodicity and coverage and methodology. The study also reviews results of the United Nations survey about the features of the economic censuses in different countries of the world in 2006. Finally, the study sheds light on Egyptian pilot survey and economic census 2013.
Keywords: CAPMAS, Egyptian economic census 2013, Pilot survey, UN survey (2006).
Pages: 367 – 375 | Full PDF Paper