The Research, Development and Application of the Fermentation Accelerator, a New Material for Edible Mushroom Cultivation on Unsterilized Substrate
Han Shenghua, Ye Caiyun, Han Hongyi
Abstract: The fermentation accelerator is a product resulted from the research on the differences in biological characters among various fungi. The purpose of the research was to develop a substance that can accelerate fermentation of the substrate, thus realize sterilization at a lower temperature and in a shorter time period, as well as reduce consumption of energy, cost and labor. We found that by using it in the traditional sterilization method, the fermentation accelerator could help produce ammonia and beneficial micro-organisms to accelerate the death of harmful micro-organisms like weed moulds at a temperature between 70 and 80℃ in 5-7 hours, realizing the purpose of sterilization, The production of 10,000 bags of Lentinula edodes (Shiitake) or Auricularia auricular -judae (Black wood ear) could save 720 kgs of coal and 2 labor forces and increase the yield by over 10%. Our conclusion was that edible mushrooms could not only be cultivated on sterilized substrate, but also on unsterilized substrate with the help of the fermentation accelerator, which could bring about considerable economic and ecological benefits. This achievement passed the expert appraisal of scientific and technological administration sector and over 2 billion bags were spread and used in 26 provinces (regions, municipalities) across China.
Keywords: The fermentation accelerator, edible mushrooms, cultivation on unsterilized substrate, new material.
Pages: 297 – 305 | Full PDF Paper