Histopathological Alterations of Ptychadena mascariensis Exposed to Sub Lethal Concentrations of Crude Oil
Nafagha, Magdalene Okeh, Sikoki, Francis David and Georgewill, Onwunari Abraham
Abstract: Study on the impact of sub-lethal concentrations (0mg/L, 0.3gmg/L, 0.75mg/L, 1.5mg/L, 2.25mg/L and 3.0mg/L) of water-soluble fractions (WSFs) of crude oil on the toxic effects of WSF of crude oil on the histology of the skin, liver and heart of the frog Ptychadena mascariensis were carried out under laboratory conditions in the University of Port Harcourt, during a 12-week period of exposure in a renewal static bioassay system. At the end of the study, the skin, liver and heart of control frog retained their normal structural pattern. However, the cells of the skin, liver and heart frogs exposed to crude oil showed marked alterations. The skin showed massive fragmentation and dermal degradation. The liver exposed to WSF of crude oil showed mild to severe necrosis/degeneration of the hepatocytes, liver cells in disarray and distortion of cells, vacuolation, and hepatocellular foci. The tissues of the heart showed gradual increase in interstitial space and myocyte separation. The result of this study has shown that crude oil (WSF) is indeed toxic to frogs. The effect on P. mascariensis also indicated that this aquatic animal can serve as bio-indicator of crude oil contaminated fresh water bodies.
Keywords: Amphibians, bio-indicator, cardiomycetes, hepatocytes, Water soluble fractions.
Pages: 151 – 159 | Full PDF Paper