Research Oriented and Entrepreneur University as an Element of National Innovation System: Samples of South Korea and Turkey
Sıtkı Selim DOLANAY1, Bekir Sami OĞUZTÜRK2
1. Dr., Süleyman Demirel Üniversity ,Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences.
2. Prof. Dr., Süleyman Demirel Üniversity, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences.
Abstract:It is understood that technological development is very important in the economic development and industrialization processes of the countries. In South Korea, the technological development processes experienced in the past of many other developed countries have been experienced at a much faster rate than the previous examples, the country has completed the industrialization in a shorter time than the previous examples and developed countries. In this rapidly evolving process, the role of the stepping and pathcreating technological development has been generally accepted.
In the 1960s and 1970s, South Korea began to establish a national innovation system based on university- industry cooperation and supported by the state, with an emphasis on research and development.
In recent years, South Korea started to establish the Triple Helix National Innovation System in the 1990s, and the Research-Oriented Entrepreneur created the new triple helix system on which the university is based. In the 2000s, it made the system compatible with the new developments regarding the national innovation system.
Since the foundation of the Ottoman Empire, education has been important, and in time, the scientific organization, with its institutionalized structure, has dealt with the teaching of both mental and transplant sciences. However, it can be said that the teaching of mental sciences has been discredited and the researcher aspect of society towards technology development has been removed.
During the 18th century, with in the framework of the westernization movement, the developments in science and new information were readily available from abroad and taught in the country. Similarly, new Technologies were purchased from abroad and adapted to the country and a dependency to the technology transfer path was established. This situation continued during the Republican years.
The education system remained teaching-oriented, while the research units in the universities developed in a path-dependent manner, while the firms did not give the necessary importance to establish a research unit. Thus, universities could not make enough contributions to universal scientific developments, and firms could only follow technological developments. The efforts to break the path dependency in recent years should lead the companies to research and the emergence of innovative companies in every field.
Keywords: Education system, university, technological development, technology transfer, path dependency.Pages: 241 – 264 | Full PDF Paper