Pointwise Gauge Field and Relativistic Structure
Wang Yiping
Zhejiang Quzhou Association of Senior Scientists and Technicians Zhejiang Quzhou 324000.
China • Qianjiang Mathematics and Power Engineering Institute Zhejiang Quzhou 324000.
Abstract: The quantization element concept of which infinite pointwise is mechanics element and space-time geometry possesses random “asymmetry and nonuniformity” and other factors is proposed; combination of gauge field and relativistic structure (circle logarithm) is proposed, which includes gravitational field, electromagnetic field, nuclear field, thermodynamic field and photon field to constitute pointwise quantum eleven-dimensional space and the first and second gauge invariance and build relativistic structure (circle logarithm), realizing “exact solution within [0-1/2-1] [0~1/2~1] under the topological variation rule without specific contents”. It is provided with a superiority of conciseness, self-consistency and zero error, and is widely applicable to physics, astronomy and mechanics fields.
Keywords: Gauge field Pointwise quantization General relativity Relativistic structure (circle logarithm) Limit topological phase transition
Pages: 89 – 98 | Full PDF Paper