• Education on Statistics for Public Health Nurses at a Statistics Seminar

    Toshiharu ETO1, Keiko AOISHI2, Noriko MATSUMOTO1, Yoshio HIDAKA3, Yoshinori FUJII4 and Hiroyuki NAKAO1

    1. Miyazaki prefectural nursing university, Faculty of nursing, 3-5-1 Manabino, Miyazaki, 880-0929, JAPAN
    2. Nagoya university graduate school of Medicine, 1-1-20, Daikouminami, Higashi, Nagoya, Aichi, 461-8673, JAPAN
    3. Miyazaki prefectural office Division of Health & Welfare, 2-10-1 Tachibanadori Higashi, 880-8501, JAPAN
    4. University of Miyazaki, Faculty of education, 1-1 Gakuenkibanadai-nishi, Miyazaki, 889-2192, JAPAN

    Abstract: It is quite important to effectively develop community healthcare services and health promotion activities in an aged society. Therefore, statistics for understanding local characteristics is essential for evidence-based healthcare services and healthy-policy decision in a community. We started a “HIMUKA health research seminar” project in April 2015. The purposes of the seminar are education and training of the study driving force, enhancement of knowledge and capability of public health nurses to utilize statistics for healthy-policy decision. The total number of seminar participants was 545 in 2 years. The major motivations for participating in the seminar were their interest in “Analytical methods using Excel”, “Visualization of data by creating tables and figures”, “How to work out a questionnaire”, and “How to reflect analyzed data to a healthy policy”.

    Keywords: Education on statics, Public health nurses,Compound seminar

    Pages: 389 – 396 | Full PDF Paper