• A Comparative Study of the Effects of High Temperature Regime on Cherry Tomato Plant Water Status When Cultivated in Different Growing Substrates Systems

    Dr. Andre Nduwimana1, Shen Ming Wei2

    1. Institut de Pédagogie Appliquée, Université du Burundi, B.P. 5223 Bujumbura, Burundi

    2. College of Biosystem Engineering and Food Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, China


    Plants vary in their abilities to resist damage due to various stresses. The degree of plant stress or deficit depends on the extent to which water potential and cell turgor are reduced below their optimum values. The aim of our research was to study the effects of high temperatures on tomato plants in different cultivation systems during the two first growth stages: vegetative stage and flowering stage. Our research objectives were to study the physiological responses of tomato plants subjected to heat stress and then evaluate the interaction of temperature and growing media on plant water status.

    In this experiment, it was observed that when roof ventilations were closed at noon, the greenhouse temperature could rise as high as 50oC. This resulted in serious plant injury and in certain cases, death of plants. Highly significant differences in water potential caused independently by temperature and growing medium (at dawn or at midday) were noticed in our study. Leaf relative water content was not significantly affected either by temperature or by growing medium. A significant difference in leaf chlorophyll B content caused by the interaction of temperature and growing media was detected. At midday, we noted a strong effect caused by temperature on air/leaf temperature gradient. Respiration and photosynthesis were seriously affected at relatively higher temperatures (Midday temperatures) as shown by the air/leaf temperature gradient.

    Keywords: cherry tomato, plant water status, air/leaf temperature gradient, DAS (Days after Sowing).

    Pages: 173 – 186 | Full PDF Paper