The Spanish Carbon Footprint Calculation and Registration System: The Miguel Hernández of Elche University Case
A. J. Guerrero Lucendo* a, F. García-Orenesa, J. J. Ruiz Martínezb P. G. Vicente Quilesb
a. Environmental Office, Miguel Hernández of Elche University, Spain.
b. Vicerectorate for Infrastructure, Miguel Hernández of Elche University, Spain.Abstract: Universities can be considered small communities themselves, providing access to data at the community scale, as well as contributing to global sustainability through their education, research and the operation of their own estate. In this study it has been reported the greenhouse gases emissions of Miguel Hernandez of Elche University, with a breakdown by the types of scope and sources of emission. This initiative is supported by the Spanish Government that has developed a program called Carbon Footprint Registry (Royal Decree 163/2014) to promote the declaration of the carbon footprint by sectors that are not regulated through the Emissions Trading System in the European Union, such as agriculture, buildings, or waste management. The main objective of the study is to verify the tool proposed by the Government of Spain and analyze the results obtained and its evolution in a higher education institution such as Miguel Hernández of Elche University. The data obtained from the Carbon Footprint per person of an organization allows obtaining an environmental indicator directly correlated with its environmental impact, and can be used as a benchmark for making decisions aimed to reduce greenhouse gases emissions.
Keywords: Carbon footprint, Climate change, Greenhouse gases, University, High education.
Pages: 324 – 336 | Full PDF Paper