• Solid Waste Management-Incineration of Solid Waste of Karachi

    Danish Asrar1, Shafaq Asrar2, Faraz Sufyan3, Ghufran Alam3, Nadeem Ahmed Khan3

    1.Herbion Pakistan Pvt Ltd, Plot 30Sector 28 Korangi Industrial Area 74900, Karachi, Pakistan.

    2.Department of Metallurgical Engineering, NED University of Engg & Tech, University Road, 75270, Karachi, Pakistan.

    3.Department of Petroleum Technology, University of Karachi, University Road, 75270, Karachi, Pakistan.


    Solid waste management in urban areas like karachi is difficult to handle not only because of its varied composition but due to unavailibility of proper disposal sites and it is getting severe as the population growth is increasing. Samples from one of the solid waste disposal sites were examined on the basis of physical composition. Since solid wastes are classified based on municipal, agricultural, mining & quarrying, energy generation and hazardous.

    This paper elucidates that heating value was not feasible because of huge quantity of moisture that is due to improper segregation and extreme scavenging action for valuable items in waste. Therefore, different analytical methods are required to calculate heating value of solid waste on the basis of ultimate analysis, proximate analysis and physical composition.

    Keywords: Waste on energy generation, Solid Waste Management, Incineration of Waste.

    Pages: 317 – 328 | Full PDF Paper