• Fermentation of Palm Kernel Cake by Marasmius sp and Implication to Performnce Native Chicken

    Tuti Widjastuti1, Abun1,  Wiwin Tanwiriah1 and Lovita Adriani1

    Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jalan Raya Bandung-Sumedang KM. 21, 45363, Sumedang-West Java, Indonesia, (phone) +6222 7798241, (fax) +6222 7798212.

    Abstract: The palm kernel cake waste product has a high gross energy of 5088 kcal / kg, so it can be used as a source of energy for chicken and could be used to substitute corn meal in the preparation of local chicken ration. However, the use of this waste is still limited because the crude fiber content is quite high (17.18%) and its palatability is low. Efforts to improve is through the process of fermentation by using microorganisms namely Marasmius sp. Because this microbial can produce enzymes that are able to break down and dissolve the lignin contained in palm kernel cake and can degrade crude fiber into simpler bonds (polysaccharides), so its easily digested. The research was divided into two phase. Phase I was held to find out the best dosage and time of fermentation of palm kernel cake. Phase II was to find out the using level of fermentation palm kernel cake in diet native chicken. One hundred native chickens at two weeks of age were raised in cages until 12 weeks old. A Completely Randomized Design with five treatment palm kernel meal level in the diets , namely 0 % (R0), 10 % (R1), 20 % (R3), 30% (R4) and 40% (R5), replicated four times and where each replication  consisted of five chickens, and the measured variables were feed consumption, body weight gain, and feed Conversion   Statistical test performed by analysis of variance and differences between treatment effects were examined using Duncan’s multiple range test. The experiment showed that nutrient containing of palm kernel meal fermentation were increased and treatment using palm kernel cake in native chicken diet was significant effect on feed consumption, body weigh gain, and feed conversion, Results showed that best dosage of inoculum was 7.5% and time of fermentation was three weeks and the diet used palm kernel cake fermentation until 30% had same effect on performance as control diet.

    Keywords: Palm kernel cake, fermentation, body weight gain, native chicken

    Pages: 32 – 40 | Full PDF Paper