• Estimation of Willingness to Pay for Conservation of Nyando Wetlands, Kenya: A Contingent Valuation Approach

    Francis O. Oduor1, Phillip O. Raburu2, Samuel Mwakubo3

    1. School of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Department of Agricultural Biosystems and Economics, University of Kabianga, P.O. Box 2030-20200, Kericho, Kenya. Tel: +254 0720 143 650, Email: francsusy@yahoo.com.
    2. School of Natural Resource Management, Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, University of Eldoret, P.O. Box 1125-30100, Eldoret, Kenya. Tel: +254 0733616912, Email:  praburu2002@yahoo.com.
    3. School of Business and Economics, Pwani University, P.0 box 195-80100, Kilifi, Kenya. Tel: +254 0721346121, Email:  samuelmwakubo@gmail.com.

    Abstract: Wetland resources of Nyando support important economic and ecological activities. However, it is faced with multiple pressures from different anthropogenic activities within the wetlands and upstream. This is bound to intensify as population pressure increases. Using the Contingent Valuation survey method, bidding game, the economic benefits [Willingness To Pay (WTP)] and its determinants, by use of the Tobit model,  to conserve Nyando Wetlands were measured through a purposive sampling technique. The results show that nearly all the local people were aware of the economic benefits from the wetland with about 96% agreeing that the benefits were being degraded.  About 83% were willing to pay to the payment vehicle, Conservation Trust Fund. The aggregated WTP for the wetland conservation was about KES 38 Million (US$ 0.4 Million) per year. Tobit model revealed that sex of household head; age; household size; and education were the determinants of WTP. The study suggests policies towards gender empowerment, family planning and awareness creation to conserve the wetland.

    Keywords: Bidding game, contingent valuation, Tobit model, payment vehicle, Nyando

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