• Data Management System of the UNECE ICP Vegetation

    Аlexander Uzhinskiy1, Gennady Ososkov1, Marina Frontasyeva2

    1. Laboratory of Information Technologies.
    2. Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 6, Joliot-Curie, str.,141980, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russian Federation.

    Abstract: The aim of the UNECE International Cooperative Program (ICP) Vegetation in the framework of the United Nations Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) is to identify the main polluted areas of Europe, produce regional maps and further develop the understanding of the long-range transboundary pollution. The Data Management System (DMS) of the UNECE ICP Vegetation consists of a set of inter-connected services and tools deployed and hosted at the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (JINR) cloud infrastructure. DMS is intended to provide its participants with modern unified system of collecting, analyzing and processing of biological monitoring data. Motivation, basic principles and architecture of the DMS are presented.

    Keywords: environmental monitoring, data management, cloud platform, intellectual data processing, UNECE ICP Vegetation, air pollution, mosses, heavy metals, neural networks.

    Pages: 168 – 176 | Full PDF Paper